LCH Sports Program
Licking County Homeschoolers Athletics Basketball
LCH Athletics Code of Conducts
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
This program is designed to allow our homeschooled children to play organized sports in a Christ-centered atmosphere.
Goals of Conducts:
● To honor Christ in everything we do.
● To maintain the highest possible standards in conduct and practice for all LCH athletic programs.
● Integrity and Character will be honored in all LCH athletic Activities
This code of conduct as pertinent to all students, parents, coaches, and fans.
May God get all the glory!!
Coach: Jamie Stout Cell: 614-679-5459
Signing up to be a team member means you are representing Licking County Homeschoolers. We strive to show excellence toward our friends and foes. We expect our players to handle
themselves in a kind and thoughtful manner. Cost of being a team member is $100. That's just to help us provide things like basketballs, participate in the YMCA Teams, referees, the awards banquet, and letters.
Basketball practices begin October 21st and will be Mondays from 5-7pm and Wednesdays from 4-5:45pm and will be held at Bible Baptist Church 50 Price Rd., Newark. Awana will be held directly after Wednesday practices. Kids are welcome to stay for Awana (registration will be done separately) but if picking up be sure to have the kids picked up promptly at 6pm.
Practices will be held at Bible Baptist Church 50 Price Rd., Newark. All games will be away.
Why? To have fun of course! This team gives our homeschooling kids the chance to get together, learn sportsmanship, work toward a common goal, and make new friends or foster current friendships.
To register click link:
Stand up. Stand out.
Jamie Stout is a Mom of 4 who has been homeschooling since 2015. She is a member of First Baptist Church of Heath and is passionate about raising her kids to love the Lord as their first priority. She is passionate about homeschooling and supporting homeschooling families. Jamie has coached basketball for many years through various age levels. Jamie played basketball through her youth and was a 4-year letterman in basketball and softball in high school in NE Ohio. More than anything, Jamie wants to see the kids be able to play basketball in a God honoring environment where skills are improved, friendships are made, families are strengthened, wins are celebrated, and losses are learning opportunities.
Build it.
Building a team took time. We began with basketball camp, added a few players and a few more and a few more. It wasn’t long that our first year team had grown into a JV, girls varsity, and guys varsity team. Building a cohesive group has been an amazing experience and one that these kids will never forget.
Grow it.
There are talks of adding several different sports. Growing a sports program starts with dedicated people. We are a nonprofit and not only do we not profit from anything we do many times we are financially contributing ourselves. Many hands make light work. If you would like to assist in adding programs please reach out to Chairman of the Board Jacob Conkle 740-404-6403